The following Multimedia Website Activity is designed for:
Grade 2 Science Units: Exploring Liquids & Hot and Cold Temperatures
URL: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/ks2bitesize/science/activities/changing_state.shtml
By clicking on the above URL, it takes you directly to the BBC Schools Website. In the link that I have provided, it takes you straight to an interactive Multimedia presentation on the Science unit on “
I would use the above URL listed site as a supplement to the Grade 2 Science Curriculum, specifically for Units on: Exploring Liquids & Hot and Cold Temperatures. First, in a lesson for the students addressing the SLOs that I have selected from these units, I would have students go to: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/ks2bitesize/science/revision_bites/changing_state1.shtml (this contains the background information on “States of matters” that could help students do the Multimedia activity and/or Quiz that is provided at this site, takes about ~10-15 minutes to read). After students have reviewed the information site, then students can go to: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/ks2bitesize/science/activities/changing_state.shtml and try the Multimedia activity. Students need to click “ok” on the activity box to begin and then the presentation asks the students a series of different questions pertaining to water as it changes states as a result of temperature. The activity even has the students physically click on hot and cold elements to observe these changes. Following the completion of the interactive science activity (~10 minutes), students are able to take the “Quiz” by clicking on it, in the lower right side of the screen. As the students go through a series of 10 questions relating to “changing matters” activity, it records the child score in the upper right hand side of the screen. If you wanted to use this as a form of assessment for learning, one could simply have the students complete the quiz and then have the child put their hand up when they were finished. The teacher could then come up and record their score out of 10. However; if the quiz was part of marks, this would need to be discussed with the students ahead of time, so that they knew to take the quiz seriously, as well as determine whether students would do the quiz individually or with a partner/group.
In order to plan and prepare for my lessons using this activity or site, it is important that I would view/try all links to ensure that they work and are appropriate for my students and lesson. When I completed this activity I went through the information that was provided, try the multimedia activity and quiz to get an idea what was being taught and how long each activity was, so that I would be able to plan accordingly for the students. By knowing how much time each activity takes, I can make modifications (provide less or more time based on student’s capabilities) for the students if need be. I also mentioned how important it is to physically go through the lesson to make sure that it works, because if it doesn’t I may need to make arrangements to attain the necessary software to view/interact with the activity, even making sure that the computers have the correct internet connection. I could have the students work in small groups to help them stay focused (motivated kids with the not so motivated) or individually based on the work ethic of the students. If students were done early, I could have the students explore other multimedia activities based on upcoming or past units on the site, as they are all educational and informative.
2.5 Exploring Liquids: Describe some properties of water and other liquids, and recognize the importance of water to living and nonliving things.
2.9 Hot & Cold Temperature: Recognize the effects of heating and cooling, and identify methods for heating and cooling.
# 5 Exploring Liquids SLO: Demonstrate an understanding that liquid water can be changed to other states:
· recognize that on cooling, liquid water freezes into ice and that on heating, it melts back into liquid water with properties the same as before
· recognize that on heating, liquid water may be changed into steam or water vapour and that this change can be reversed on cooling
· identify examples in which water is changed from one form to another.
# 3 Hot & Cold Temperature SLO: Describe how heating and cooling materials can often change them; e.g., melting and freezing, cooking, burning.
C.1 Students will access, use and communicate information from a variety of technologies.
2.1 access and retrieve appropriate information from the Internet by using a specific search path or from given uniform resource locations (URLs)
3.3 access and operate multimedia applications and technologies from stand-alone and online sources
C.6 Students will use technology to investigate and/or solve problems.
1.2 use technology to organize and display data in a problem-solving context
C.7 Students will use electronic research techniques to construct personal knowledge and meaning.
2.2 use selected presentation tools to demonstrate connections among various pieces of information
2.2 access available databases for images to support communication
4.1 select and use, independently, multimedia capabilities for presentations in various subject areas
P5 Students will navigate and create hyperlinked resources.
1.2 access hyperlinked sites on an intranet or the Internet
1.1 demonstrate courtesy and follow classroom procedures when making appropriate use of computer technologies
1.3 demonstrate appropriate care of technology equipment
F5 Students will practice the concepts of ergonomics and safety when using technology.
1.2 demonstrate safe behaviours when using technology
F6 Students will demonstrate a basic understanding of the operating skills required in a variety of technologies.
1.1 perform basic computer operations
3.4 demonstrate the ability to control devices electronically